Sunday, 14 July 2013


God wants us to be Christians biblically, following His examples and not Christians culturally, following or yielding to tradition. He wants us to love unconditionally.

Understand that the family occupies a pivotal place in the society, the church inclusive. It is the bedrock of any community. When the family is healthy, the church will be healthy. It is God’s desire that we enjoy our family life.

Some pains and problems we go through at times are because of some little things we have not given our attention to, some because we have allowed cultural beliefs to place a limit on us.

Loving unconditionally will unlock the door to greater happiness in our families if we give our attention to it.

Unconditional Love:

To receive and love the other person no matter what, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health. It is the commitment that says I will stay with you, I will always love u no matter what.

A: Unconditional Love Changes Lives

When love is genuine, it is difficult to resist it.

1.) When we accept each other

2.) When we show grace with each other’s weaknesses..

3.) When we affirm each other whenever we can.

4.) When we take time to talk and listen to each other.

5.) When we give time and attention to one another.

B: Unconditional love makes us feel safe

1.) It allows one to be honest.

2.) It establishes a comfortable environment for open communication.

3.) It breaks the wall of rejection.

4.) It enhances intimacy and trust.

C: Unconditional Love Starts With God

If we have experienced God’s love and we are still enjoying it, let’s model it.


Building a great family is a huge task that requires our deliberate attempt to be the right person without giving excuses.

Unconditional love is an essential part of the building project. We need it most when we least deserve it. It covers our mistakes and weaknesses and releases courage to continue building.

Let’s do away with our excuses and limiting beliefs, We need to love unconditionally if we are to enjoy family life the way God had designed it

1 comment:

  1. really enjoyed sundays message....very integral to family dynamics
